There once was a beast that lived in darkness;
In a world of solitude ;
Silence ;
Broken only by the echoes of screams from the past;
Memories of blood ;
Because even in a dark world of silence sometimes blood drop fall like thunder;
Nightmares of this blood ;
Of screams ;
Of death ;
Or worst yet those kept alive who scream again and again ;
Haunting this wait ;
Knowing those silence screams ;
Waiting ;
Growing ;
Changing ;
But what will he be in the end ?;
Waiting .
Waiting , watching hoping ;
To stand up to the fear that causes the screams ;
To end it ;
Waiting and hoping the screams are forgotten ;
The fear become smiles ;
The Nightmares end ;
But what of the beast;
Even if he stands up ;
Even when the screams stop ;
He is just a stray dog howling at the moon ;
But even dogs have their uses;
But after that to be forgotten ;
Alone in the silence ;
Waiting in the end for death ;
It is better to die standing against the silence ;
Perhaps death either standing , to wasting away in darkness is the beast only hope of freedom

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