in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful
the best speech is the book of Allah and the best guidance is that of muhammed may Allah be pleased with him as to what follows
I was on line the other day and i came across a picture of some young muslim girls being pushed around by police . Some were hit , taken to the police station some were crying .
They were from turkey ............
Now i have many thoughts on the matter , i really not going to waste time to talk about the history of how turkey was one of the states formed @ the fall of the ottoman empire ( together with others like Greece ) or how they tried to " westernize " and basically ban islaam .
But i looking at the picture and wondering why is all the fuss about a little girl wanting to wear a piece of cloth on her head ? what is the ....... ( i looking 4 words here eh ) ahhhh , what u must show your manliness by beating down a little girl ? Is this what U R about ? Begging like a dog to get in to europe they dont want U , get it through your thick skulls they are racist , prejust bastards . Forget what they write about equality talk to your family in germany as how they are treated look @ the apartment building they burnt down turks inside ant all . take a hint .
I guessing this is properly a politically charged issue over there but take it some one from the out side it all really looks dumb . Now i live in a multicultural democracy and yes we are richer than you . But truth b told it's really not all that.
I like turkey i admire the turks . When i read about the things that you've done . The battles you forght the organization of your ottoman empire i feel proud to b muslim . I always wandered if i could marry a girl from the region . Bit discouraged when i saw turkish guys wrisle , do i really want brother in-laws that look like hulk ? I believe that you should b proud of who u are and proud to b muslim . Think about it look at how it was when U practiced your religion u had europe ( and much of the eastern Europe and middle east @ that ) at your feet . look at what happened when your islam wained your position started to fall . And look at how u are now u are running after europe and it is running away from U .
I still believe in my trukish brothers . I believe that some where under all that lays goodness . I hope it comes out sooner rather than later . I hope that the half of turkey that remain unconvinced eventually do give in . As for my brothers in the military u hold look @ what u were in islam ...... rule Europe don’t have them treating u like crap . raise your heads embrase your destiny fight 4 islam
may Allah grant U and me good if there was any good it was from Allah and any evil it was from me and the evil of my own soul may Allah forgive me
Form the Balkan Hoard my brothers join your brothers in bosnia .... but perhaps it is not the time for me to explain that here