Imam bukhree said That the religion consists of (both) speech and action 4 and this is due to the saying of Allaah: And they were commanded The Murji’ah are a sect who uphold the belief of Irjaa’ (to hold that sins major or minor, do not affect faith and that faith neitherincreases nor decreases).
The first to call to this belief was Gheelaan ibn Abee Gheelaan, the Qadariyy. He was executed in 105H. They claim that actions are not part of faith, that people do not vary in faith, that faith does not increase or decrease and that one should declare himself a Believer without saying, ‘If Allaah wills.’
The Murji’ah are divided into three groups, as Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah has mentioned:
- Those who claim that faith is a condition of the heart only.
- Those who claim that faith is merely verbal affirmation (i.e. the Karraamiiyyah).
- Those who claim that faith is only affirmation with the heart and tongue, but that action is necessary in addition to it. Al-Laalikaa’ee (d. 418H) reports in his Sharh