Now I live in Trinidad that’s a small tropical island of the coast of south America . Seriously . now I don’t want any body hating on my island yea we only have 1.4 million ppl but we float in oil and can fete ( party ) like there is no tomorrow . Now come to think of it that’s a bad thing . Especially being muslim here . For carnival is like I cannot do any thing . Ok ok for those who don’t know carnival in TnT ( Trinidad and Tobago ) runs like this the whole country shuts down . and I mean this literally . The ppl just pour out into the streets in mass well not naked but almost naked many of them in a bikini like costume , some with mud on others with all manner of weird costumes . There are like 6 females to on guy who do this . I of course have to go and turn muslim so now I cant go . But the Idea of all the drunk naked chicks has some appeal I guess but I have to remind my self of some Ahadith like the prophet muhammed said that “ there something’s that are bad for U and u like it and something’s that are good 4 U and U hate it “ , now I think that specifically was to do when the issues of fighting in the cause of Allah came up but I remember it here . yea some of my brothers and sisters fight in the mountains with there Ak 47’s we have to fight the temptation of almoat naked chicks on the road …… Oh U have to hear this one as of last yea the government improved the Mass ( the bands with the music and chicks and alcohol and think ) by building female toilets . Yes fokes when they got drunk and believe U me when u drink the second thing u got to do is pee , they were peeing on the side of d road . as Allah makes the analogy in the Quran about the ppl who “ disbelieve to animals no worst than that “ hell man my dog knows not to pee in front of the house . Well as U can all guess by now the majority of ppl are born like 9mths after carnival . Now I not telling U to come and well u know , why ? 1) Allah will be displeased with U and if that does not push your button check this ppl here real ignorant , I mean really really ignorant . a while back this white girl came here and well was getting here freak on the only thing was that this chick was HIV positive and well some of the guy she slept with she told them I am HIV positive . And I watching all this on TV right so they interviewing one of the guys and he of course did not know that , HIV was a virus or that it causes AIDS or that it can kill you he said that he thought it was like some kinda degree like a B.S.C !!! . We have the second highest rate of HIV/AIDS infection in the world ( hmmmm I wonder why ) So if U come U have a very good chance of getting it and dying a slow painful death , but well its your choice .
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