Monday, May 13, 2013


"Listen my brother. I sincerely advise you and other youths like you, who stand upon a type of deviation - as it seems to us, and Allaah knows best - that do not waste your time in refuting each other, saying that such and such has this in him, and such and such has that in him.

This is beacuse; firstly: there is no knowledge at all in this, and secondly: this mannerism only breeds enmity and hatred in the hearts, and causes contempt and rancour to develop in the hearts. 

So It is upon you to seek knowledge. It is knowledge that will make clear to you the reality of the speech which is in praise of a particular person having many mistakes, and whether he is deserving of being labelled as an innovator. Yet why do we wish to delve into such issues.

Indeed I advise you not to delve into such issues. The reality is that we complain about this splitting which has occurred between those who ascribe themselves to the da'wah to the Book and the Sunnah - or as we say, ad-Da'watus-Salafiyyah the greatest cause of this splitting, and Allaah knows bests, is the following of whims and desires and the evil dictates of one's soul. It is not due to the presence of differences in thoughts and ideas. So this is my sincere advice."

[Silsilatul Hudaa wan-Noor (784/1), dated the 1st of Rabi' al Awwal 1414H (9-12-1993)]