Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
dinosaur like fish called the Alligator Gar

Alligator Gar Profile
The prehistoric relatives of this megafish inhabited many parts of the world, but today gars live only in North and Central America.
Of the seven known gar species, the alligator is the largest, reaching up to ten feet (three meters) long and tipping the scales at up to 300 pounds (140 kilograms). These menacing-looking behemoths are generally olive green or yellow and have a heavily scaled body. A tooth-filled mouth and wide, alligator-like snout give the species its name.
These freshwater giants may look fierce, but attacks against people are unknown. They can pose a passive danger, though—the fish's eggs are poisonous to humans if ingested.
Adult gars have few natural predators, although alligators have been known to attack them. Young are preyed upon by larger fish. Alligator gars prey on fish, but they are opportunistic and have been known to feed on everything from waterfowl and small turtles to carrion.
Alligator gars are found throughout much of the coastal U.S.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ex-soldier gets life sentences for Iraqi rape and murders

May Allah distroy them and guide the muslims to the truth and give them victory to their enemies
Ex-soldier gets life sentences for Iraqi murders
Green convicted in rape and murder of teen and slaying of three relatives
Image: Steven Dale Green
Daniel Patmore / AP
Steven Dale Green, 24, of Midland, Texas, received five consecutive life sentences for the rape and murder of an Iraqi teenager and the shooting deaths of three of her family members. Green, a former member of the 101st Airborne Division, was convicted in May in Paducah, Ky.
PADUCAH, Ky. - A former U.S. soldier received five consecutive life sentences Friday for his role in the rape and murder of an Iraqi teenager and the slaying of three of her family members.
"What the defendant did was horrifying and inexcusable," U.S. District Judge Thomas Russell said in sentencing Steven Dale Green, 24. "The court believes any lesser sentence would be insufficient."
A civilian jury convicted Green in May of raping Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, conspiracy and multiple counts of murder.
Story continues below ↓advertisement | your ad here
Green shot and killed the teen's mother, father and sister, then became the third soldier to rape her before shooting her in the face. Her body was set on fire March 12, 2006, at their rural home outside Mahmoudiya, Iraq, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) south of Baghdad.
Green was the first person charged under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, a law passed in 2000 that allows U.S. authorities to prosecute former military personnel, contractors and others for crimes committed overseas.
Unanimous decision couldn't be reached
The panel couldn't reach an unanimous decision about whether Green should get a death sentence, automatically making Green's sentence life in prison. Barring a successful appeal or presidential pardon, Green will not be eligible for release from prison.
Green told the judge he merely followed orders from other soldiers involved in the attack.
"You can act like I'm a sociopath. You can act like I'm a sex offender or whatever," Green said. "If I had not joined the Army, if I had not gone to Iraq, I would not have got caught up in anything."
At a hearing in May, Green repeatedly apologized to the al-Janabi family, saying he knew little about Iraqis and realizes now his actions then were wrong. Green described the attacks as "evil" and said when he dies "there will be justice and whatever I deserve, I'll get."
During Green's trial, defense attorneys never contested Green's role in the attacks. Instead, they focused on saving his life by putting on witnesses that testified that the military failed Green on multiple fronts — by allowing a troubled teen into the service, not recognizing and helping a soldier struggling emotionally and providing inadequate leadership.
During the sentencing hearing, defense attorney Patrick Bouldin said Green tried to take responsibility for his role in the attacks, twice offering to plead guilty and serve life in prison. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marisa Ford said one offer came on the eve of jury selection, the other two weeks into jury selection.
‘All I ever did was what they told me’
Green and four other soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division based at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, were investigated after the killings. Three who went to the family's home, along with Green, received lengthy sentences up to 110 years but will become eligible for parole in seven years. Another who had a lesser role was released from military prison after serving 27 months.
All except Green were charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and faced a military trial, known as a court martial. Two of the soldiers who were at the home when Green shot the family pleaded guilty and a military jury convicted a third.
Green said the idea of his co-defendants being out of prison one day is "all right with me."
"They planned it," Green said. "All I ever did was what they told me to do."
By the time the Army pressed charges in June 2006, Green had been honorably discharged with a personality disorder and returned to the United States. Because Green had been discharged, prosecutors filed an indictment against him as a civilian.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Response to Legal threats against The Pirate Bay from EA games

From anakata_anakata.hack.se Mon Sep 13 07:20:31 2004
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 07:19:36 -0100 (GMT)
From: anakata
To: Piracy - Online
Subject: Re: Copyright Infringement
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Piracy - Online wrote:
> September 14, 2004
> Fredrik Neij
> Box 1206
> Stockholm, Sweden 11479
> Re: Electronic Arts Trademark and Copyright
> Infringement Notice
> Dear Mr. Neij:
> It has been brought to the attention of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA") that
> the website http://www.piratebay.org with the IP addresses of
>,, is conducting
> unauthorized activities with respect to EA's copyrighted software, The
> Sims 2. The aforementioned website is offering and distributing
> bittorrent seeds for an unauthorized downloadable version of this EA
> game
> The infringing material may be found at:
> http://www.piratebay.org/download.php/3238103/Sims%202.torrent
> http://www.piratebay.org/download.php/3238222/The_Sims2_AlcoholClone-CLO
> NEGAME_Full.Release_%28exclusive_for_trackerwww.prq.to%29.torrent
_____________________________________________________________________________Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in
Oh wait, just kidding. We haven't, since the site in question is fully
legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have
sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the
streets and attacking people :-(.
This unauthorized activity with respect to the distribution of EA's
> software products constitutes infringement of EA's intellectual property
> rights. EA enforces its intellectual property rights very aggressively
> by using every legal option available.
Please don't sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from
too much moonshine, so please atleast wait until he's found and doesn't
have a huge hangover...
> As you are listed as the registrant for this website, EA demands that
> you immediately and permanently disable access to the aforementioned
> bittorrent seeds for The Sims 2 and any in the future.
You're free to demand anything you want. So are we. We demand that you
cease and desist sending letters like this, since they're frivolous and
meaningless. Where should I send the bill for the consumed diskspace and
> Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning
> this matter, please contact us via e-mail at:
> piracy-online@ea.com.
> Regards,
> EA Law - IP Enforcement
> Electronic Arts Inc.
> piracy-online@ea.com
Thank you for your entertainment. As with all other threats, we will
publish this one on http://static.thepiratebay.org/legal/
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
An excerpt from a book about a young muslim girl who started to wear hijab
I'm walking around the stores as if I'm in combat mode, avoiding eye contact with other people and waiting for something to happen. But as I browse through the stores I realize how uncomforable and irrational I'm acting because it feels like most people really couldn't care less. I mean, sure there's staring, but it's not enough to rate in my fears list. There are the occasional goggle-eyes but most people give me the once-over top to bottom, which I can deal with. I'm just one more late-night shopper, one more person to bump shoulders with, negotiate a crowded line with. My mother gets this. She walks and talks as though she doesn't even realize she's wearing the hijab. It makes me feel kind of protected because she's so confident and dignified. I wonder how long it will take me to feel and act this way.
While I'm walking through the food court I pass three women who are all wearing the hijab. They're huddled around a table, talking and eating ice cream. One of them catches my eye and smiles.
"Assalamu Alaykom," she says, greeting me with the universal Islamic greeting, peace be upon you.
"Walaykom Wassalam," I reply, smiling back at her. The other two girls also greet me and I reply and they all smile warmly at me. They go back to their conversation and I walk off with a big grin because it is now that I think I begin to understand that there's more to this hijab than the whole modesty thing. These girls are strangers to me but I know that we all felt an amazing connection, a sense that this cloth binds us in some kind of universal sisterhood.
I lie in bed that night and replay the scene over and over in my head. I'm experiencing a new identity, a new expression of who I am on the inside, but I know that I'm not alone. I'm not breaking new ground. I'm sharing something with millions of other women around the world and it feels so exciting. I know some people might find it hard to believe but walking around the mall tonight I'd never felt so free and sure of who I am. I felt safe from people judging me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt or the size of my bra. I felt protected from all the crap about beauty and image. As scared as I was walking around the stores in the hijab, I was also experiencing a feeling of empowerment and freedom. I know I have a long ways to go. I still dressed to impressed and I took ages to get my makeup, clothes, and hijab just right. But I didn't feel I was compromising myself by wanting to make an impression. I was looking and feeling good on my own terms, and boy did that feel awesome.
While I'm walking through the food court I pass three women who are all wearing the hijab. They're huddled around a table, talking and eating ice cream. One of them catches my eye and smiles.
"Assalamu Alaykom," she says, greeting me with the universal Islamic greeting, peace be upon you.
"Walaykom Wassalam," I reply, smiling back at her. The other two girls also greet me and I reply and they all smile warmly at me. They go back to their conversation and I walk off with a big grin because it is now that I think I begin to understand that there's more to this hijab than the whole modesty thing. These girls are strangers to me but I know that we all felt an amazing connection, a sense that this cloth binds us in some kind of universal sisterhood.
I lie in bed that night and replay the scene over and over in my head. I'm experiencing a new identity, a new expression of who I am on the inside, but I know that I'm not alone. I'm not breaking new ground. I'm sharing something with millions of other women around the world and it feels so exciting. I know some people might find it hard to believe but walking around the mall tonight I'd never felt so free and sure of who I am. I felt safe from people judging me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt or the size of my bra. I felt protected from all the crap about beauty and image. As scared as I was walking around the stores in the hijab, I was also experiencing a feeling of empowerment and freedom. I know I have a long ways to go. I still dressed to impressed and I took ages to get my makeup, clothes, and hijab just right. But I didn't feel I was compromising myself by wanting to make an impression. I was looking and feeling good on my own terms, and boy did that feel awesome.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An Example of Shaykh Ibnul-'Uthaymeen's Beautiful Manners in Giving Da'wah to an American woman
Sunday, 05 July 2009
Doctor Saud al-'Ajaaji who was amongst those who accompanied Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen on the last medical trip he made to Boston (a city in America) said,
“Whilst we were leaving the hotel where we were staying in, a little American boy who was with his mother stood in front of him - the Shaykh caught his attention because of his Saudi thawb and abayah - so he began to touch him on his head and to play with him. So his mother asked him to greet the Shaykh and he returned an even better greeting. Then the Shaykh said directing his speech to the mother 'May Allaah guide you to Islaam' all during which he kept lowering his gaze. Then the mother told her son to bid the Shaykh farewell by saying to her son, 'Tell him have a nice day.' So the Shaykh asked me what he said, I told him he said ‘Have a nice day.’ However some of those who were accompanying him became annoyed because of the way in which the woman was dressed. One of them even made some remarks towards her, but the Shaykh did not like this and he said, 'O brothers this is not from the mannerisms of Islaam, the mother and he son were smiling at us and they were very cordial in speech, so it is upon us to reciprocate the favour. So rather then make du'aa against them, we should make du'aa for her which by the way is the path of this exalted religion.'”
(an-Nur Magazine: nos. 191)
Sunday, 05 July 2009
Doctor Saud al-'Ajaaji who was amongst those who accompanied Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen on the last medical trip he made to Boston (a city in America) said,
“Whilst we were leaving the hotel where we were staying in, a little American boy who was with his mother stood in front of him - the Shaykh caught his attention because of his Saudi thawb and abayah - so he began to touch him on his head and to play with him. So his mother asked him to greet the Shaykh and he returned an even better greeting. Then the Shaykh said directing his speech to the mother 'May Allaah guide you to Islaam' all during which he kept lowering his gaze. Then the mother told her son to bid the Shaykh farewell by saying to her son, 'Tell him have a nice day.' So the Shaykh asked me what he said, I told him he said ‘Have a nice day.’ However some of those who were accompanying him became annoyed because of the way in which the woman was dressed. One of them even made some remarks towards her, but the Shaykh did not like this and he said, 'O brothers this is not from the mannerisms of Islaam, the mother and he son were smiling at us and they were very cordial in speech, so it is upon us to reciprocate the favour. So rather then make du'aa against them, we should make du'aa for her which by the way is the path of this exalted religion.'”
(an-Nur Magazine: nos. 191)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Soldiers in Colorado slayings tell of Iraq horrors

taken from yahoo news
Sun Jul 26, 9:03 pm ET
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Soldiers from an Army unit that had 10 infantrymen accused of murder, attempted murder or manslaughter after returning to civilian life described a breakdown in discipline during their Iraq deployment in which troops murdered civilians, a newspaper reported Sunday.
Some Fort Carson, Colo.-based soldiers have had trouble adjusting to life back in the United States, saying they refused to seek help, or were belittled or punished for seeking help. Others say they were ignored by their commanders, or coped through drug and alcohol abuse before they allegedly committed crimes, The Gazette of Colorado Springs said.
The Gazette based its report on months of interviews with soldiers and their families, medical and military records, court documents and photographs.
Several soldiers said unit discipline deteriorated while in Iraq.
"Toward the end, we were so mad and tired and frustrated," said Daniel Freeman. "You came too close, we lit you up. You didn't stop, we ran your car over with the Bradley," an armored fighting vehicle.
With each roadside bombing, soldiers would fire in all directions "and just light the whole area up," said Anthony Marquez, a friend of Freeman in the 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment. "If anyone was around, that was their fault. We smoked 'em."
Taxi drivers got shot for no reason, and others were dropped off bridges after interrogations, said Marcus Mifflin, who was eventually discharged with post traumatic stress syndrome.
"You didn't get blamed unless someone could be absolutely sure you did something wrong," he said
Soldiers interviewed by The Gazette cited lengthy deployments, being sent back into battle after surviving war injuries that would have been fatal in previous conflicts, and engaging in some of the bloodiest combat in Iraq. The soldiers describing those experiences were part of the 3,500-soldier unit now called the 4th Infantry Division's 4th Brigade Combat Team.
Since 2005, some brigade soldiers also have been involved in brawls, beatings, rapes, DUIs, drug deals, domestic violence, shootings, stabbings, kidnapping and suicides.
The unit was deployed for a year to Iraq's Sunni Triangle in September 2004. Sixty-four unit soldiers were killed and more than 400 wounded — about double the average for Army brigades in Iraq, according to Fort Carson. In 2007, the unit served a bloody 15-month mission in Baghdad. It's currently deployed to the Khyber Pass region in Afghanistan.
Marquez was the first in his brigade to kill someone after an Iraq tour. In 2006, he used a stun gun to shock a drug dealer in Widefield, Colo., in a dispute over a marijuana sale, then shot and killed him.
Marquez's mother, Teresa Hernandez, warned Marquez's sergeant at Fort Carson her son was showing signs of violent behavior, abusing alcohol and pain pills and carrying a gun. "I told them he was a walking time bomb," she said.
Hernandez said the sergeant later taunted Marquez about her phone call.
"If I was just a guy off the street, I might have hesitated to shoot," Marquez told The Gazette in the Bent County Correctional Facility, where he is serving a 30-year prison term. "But after Iraq, it was just natural."
The Army trains soldiers to be that way, said Kenneth Eastridge, an infantry specialist serving 10 years for accessory to murder.
"The Army pounds it into your head until it is instinct: Kill everybody, kill everybody," he said. "And you do. Then they just think you can just come home and turn it off."
Both soldiers were wounded, sent back into action and saw friends and officers killed in their first deployment. On numerous occasions, explosions shredded the bodies of civilians, others were slain in sectarian violence — and the unit had to bag the bodies.
"Guys with drill bits in their eyes," Eastridge said. "Guys with nails in their heads."
Last week, the Army released a study of soldiers at Fort Carson that found that the trauma of fierce combat and soldier refusals or obstacles to seeking mental health care may have helped drive some to violence at home. It said more study is needed.
While most unit soldiers coped post-deployment, a handful went on to kill back home in Colorado.
Many returning soldiers did seek counseling.
"We're used to seeing people who are depressed and want to hurt themselves. We're trained to deal with that," said Davida Hoffman, director of the privately operated First Choice Counseling Center in Colorado Springs. "But these soldiers were depressed and saying, 'I've got this anger, I want to hurt somebody.' We weren't accustomed to that."
At Fort Carson, Eastridge and other soldiers said they lied during an army screening about their deployment that was designed to detect potential behavioral problems.
Sergeants sometimes refused to let soldiers get PTSD help or taunted them, said Andrew Pogany, a former Fort Carson special forces sergeant who investigates complaints for the advocacy group Veterans for America.
Soldier John Needham described a number of alleged crimes in a December 2007 letter to the Inspector General's Office of Fort Carson. In the letter, obtained by The Gazette, Needham said that a sergeant shot a boy riding a bicycle down the street for no reason.
Another sergeant shot a man in the head while questioning him, lashed the man's body to his Humvee and drove around the neighborhood. Needham also claimed sergeants removed victims' brains.
The Army's criminal investigation division interviewed unit soldiers and said it couldn't substantiate the allegations.
The Army has declared soldiers' mental health a top priority.
"When we see a problem, we try to identify it and really learn what we can do about it. That is what we are trying to do here," said Maj. Gen. Mark Graham, Fort Carson's commander. "There is a culture and a stigma that needs to change."
Fort Carson officers are trained to help troops showing stress signs, and the base has doubled its number of behavioral-health counselors. Soldiers seeing an Army doctor for any reason undergo a mental health evaluation.
On the Net:
Colorado Springs Gazette: http://www.gazette.com
Monday, May 11, 2009
I learn that i just not cut out for the great outdoors
In name of Allah most gracious most merciful
I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worthy but Allah and Muhammad may Allah b pleased with him is his messenger as to what follows .
So yesterday I went down on the small islands to go fishing . So for the first time its me against the elements , . . . . . . . the the fishes won
( 1 ) I had to wake up early in the morning like 4:am , I don’t wake up so early may b fajir and then go back to sleep , but I man am not a earlbut I man am not a early bird
( 2 ) I had to drive across the country , I had to try this 5 hour energy drink thing , well it did work that day .
( 3) Now the day b4 I went to the pharmacy and saw a first aid kit , but of course I was just too cheap to buy it and guess who was the first man to fall of a 6 inch rock to the ground and cut his hand , yea me , and guess what the sea that day happened to b salty so I bathing and this having salt in my wond all the time
( 4) Now officially it was a “ fishing “ trip so the nice tropical sandy beach thing took second place to the island next door with the friking cactus growing yes ppl I was on a rocky , island with cactus , but I guess the fish like it .
( 5 ) the first thing I saw was a sting ray , sorry some other kind of ray a egily ray or something and I antmit it I am a little coward me in the water in with a black ambush predator that lives inder water ( where I bathing ) and a long spiked tail that can hit me in my little friend , hell man what if I het it hit I don’t even have reception on my cell phone I die of pain or shame depending of which happens first . So I swimming in fear of this ray hitting me in my balls hand burning but what the hell was still good .
( 5 ) Of course I did climb up and 2 b honest I could see the fish , they could see me , I jumped on them they swam away . but what the hell I hear to bathe right .
( 6 ) Of course these fishes seem to develop a bad relationship us , we caught like 2 three inch fishes , so we had to move , So guess who had to spend 2 hrs in the hot sun ( yea for some reason it was hot that day ) . and it I had to sit on the rocks in the sun the rocks sticking me in my ass .
( 7 ) Then the boatman came we learnt why he was late he had another trip so we packed up like fish in the boat moving to the other island , when we reached , one of the guys was like look Carrea I was like what that ? and apparently we have a prison island , and of all topics of conservation how easy it would b to swim across .
( 8 ) well other than the turtle watching me , I falling to light a fire ( dam waste of time all that survivor man I watch on discovery ) my shades falling in the water over the cliff . Coming with fellas and yea like we did not realize there was this thing call lunch . my total lack of skill catching fish .
the d boat man being late …. Was a kool scene
Nah but All and All I did not go to fish I went 4 the lime and meet the brothers and I did that for guys thanks for the invite and the new experience , lets do it again insha Allah but let me BBQ or something u all can hunt the fish J insha Allah
I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worthy but Allah and Muhammad may Allah b pleased with him is his messenger as to what follows .
So yesterday I went down on the small islands to go fishing . So for the first time its me against the elements , . . . . . . . the the fishes won
( 1 ) I had to wake up early in the morning like 4:am , I don’t wake up so early may b fajir and then go back to sleep , but I man am not a earlbut I man am not a early bird
( 2 ) I had to drive across the country , I had to try this 5 hour energy drink thing , well it did work that day .
( 3) Now the day b4 I went to the pharmacy and saw a first aid kit , but of course I was just too cheap to buy it and guess who was the first man to fall of a 6 inch rock to the ground and cut his hand , yea me , and guess what the sea that day happened to b salty so I bathing and this having salt in my wond all the time
( 4) Now officially it was a “ fishing “ trip so the nice tropical sandy beach thing took second place to the island next door with the friking cactus growing yes ppl I was on a rocky , island with cactus , but I guess the fish like it .
( 5 ) the first thing I saw was a sting ray , sorry some other kind of ray a egily ray or something and I antmit it I am a little coward me in the water in with a black ambush predator that lives inder water ( where I bathing ) and a long spiked tail that can hit me in my little friend , hell man what if I het it hit I don’t even have reception on my cell phone I die of pain or shame depending of which happens first . So I swimming in fear of this ray hitting me in my balls hand burning but what the hell was still good .
( 5 ) Of course I did climb up and 2 b honest I could see the fish , they could see me , I jumped on them they swam away . but what the hell I hear to bathe right .
( 6 ) Of course these fishes seem to develop a bad relationship us , we caught like 2 three inch fishes , so we had to move , So guess who had to spend 2 hrs in the hot sun ( yea for some reason it was hot that day ) . and it I had to sit on the rocks in the sun the rocks sticking me in my ass .
( 7 ) Then the boatman came we learnt why he was late he had another trip so we packed up like fish in the boat moving to the other island , when we reached , one of the guys was like look Carrea I was like what that ? and apparently we have a prison island , and of all topics of conservation how easy it would b to swim across .
( 8 ) well other than the turtle watching me , I falling to light a fire ( dam waste of time all that survivor man I watch on discovery ) my shades falling in the water over the cliff . Coming with fellas and yea like we did not realize there was this thing call lunch . my total lack of skill catching fish .
the d boat man being late …. Was a kool scene
Nah but All and All I did not go to fish I went 4 the lime and meet the brothers and I did that for guys thanks for the invite and the new experience , lets do it again insha Allah but let me BBQ or something u all can hunt the fish J insha Allah
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I hate ppl who to sell islam
In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful
i bear withness that there is nothing worthu of worship but Allah and Muhammad may Allah have merciful is his final messenger as to what follows
Of the things i hate is ppl who put a price of their religion they sell it like it were fish i the market . Lakt week i was by my family and she was telling me about the " Mufti " who use to steal cable TV and sell it to the village . and i was like what the hell a true Scholar does not lie he practices the religon . I not even talking about all the movies on cable TV and if this is halal or not for the record i still watch TV still dont make it right or remove the rubbish there is on it .
Case 2
I talking to family again and she is telling me that she went to the " mufti " and he see 25,000 jins ( sprits ) around her and these were harming her . Now i hope its not the guy thats stealing cable but i mean how exactly did he get that number ?? i wonder if i give him a jar of 2,500 jelly beans if he could look at and count them far less for 25,000 jiins . Now dont get me wrong we beleive in the unseen the jins included however there are many ....... and i looking 4 a word for me to discribe these ppl .... fools ...liers..... ok my mind wondering on some 4 letter words that i don't want to write here . These ppl are all too willto exploite the ingorance of the ingorant ppl for their own gain either for money or glory or what ever . They tell ppl the mop their house with salt or tie a taweez ( amulet kinda like a lucky charm ) to their necks What ? U putting your trust in salt and not in Allah ? the lucky charm is more powerful than Allah ???? Is this Islam . We have to do what is lam allows by the way someone did come to shyke bim baz and ask a question like it and he taught him to say the 4 Quils and sura fatha ( the first sura ) for his daughter , this is our religon not putting our fath in salt
Case 3
I remember one of my friends telling me about their imam in Nur-islam and he used to make the Dua ( something not form the religon and hence of no reward ) after the sallah . They showed him the evedence and Allah made it clear to this man the truth and he stoped doing it . And then the older heads in hte musjid , came down on him and he went back doing it . and the Prophet may Allah be pleased with him said who ever pleases the ppl by the displeasure of Allah , Allah will leave him to the ppl : form Al-Thimide and Imam Albani sais it is hassan
Case 4
............................... i rethinking about writhing this one i guess its too personal ..............................................
in the end its like this i think u want money get a job make dua , dont sell this deen , if u dont know say u dont know dont tell muslim women they cam marry Kuffar men do not make gold hallah for men ( yes all of this imams i know have done here ) There is a Ahadith in sauhi Bukari where a christian preist came up to the prophet may Allah be pleased with his after they Ayah of the Quran " and they take their preist and rabias as lords other than Allah " and he said that the ppl do not worship them and the prophet muhammed saluhi wa sulim said that they make those things that Hallah that Allah has made haram and the ppl follow them in it , and those that Haram that Allah has make hallal " . So nuns and preist cant marry did God command U to do this ? did the early christians do this ? or something introduced after ? did Jesus May Allah be pleased with him teach the ppl this ?? eh or did it come from some one else and then U clame to follow jesus May Allah be pleased with him . So must the muslims be like this too monkey see monkey . do we follow any kinda madness that those ppl who put things in the religon do ?
i just have nothing ot say about all of this .. And i have tried i have talked to ppl i have showed them the evedence they understood and because the imam or their grandfather say so thats what most ppl do . Even the fact that the prophet salihu wa sulim was the last messenger , yea i spoke to a Ahamedia and he came back and ask me are u a mufti ? and i was like no and the dude just turned away ..................... what the hell man well what ever
what ever i said that was good was from Allah glory b to him what ever was even was from me and i seek refuse from it
i bear withness that there is nothing worthu of worship but Allah and Muhammad may Allah have merciful is his final messenger as to what follows
Of the things i hate is ppl who put a price of their religion they sell it like it were fish i the market . Lakt week i was by my family and she was telling me about the " Mufti " who use to steal cable TV and sell it to the village . and i was like what the hell a true Scholar does not lie he practices the religon . I not even talking about all the movies on cable TV and if this is halal or not for the record i still watch TV still dont make it right or remove the rubbish there is on it .
Case 2
I talking to family again and she is telling me that she went to the " mufti " and he see 25,000 jins ( sprits ) around her and these were harming her . Now i hope its not the guy thats stealing cable but i mean how exactly did he get that number ?? i wonder if i give him a jar of 2,500 jelly beans if he could look at and count them far less for 25,000 jiins . Now dont get me wrong we beleive in the unseen the jins included however there are many ....... and i looking 4 a word for me to discribe these ppl .... fools ...liers..... ok my mind wondering on some 4 letter words that i don't want to write here . These ppl are all too willto exploite the ingorance of the ingorant ppl for their own gain either for money or glory or what ever . They tell ppl the mop their house with salt or tie a taweez ( amulet kinda like a lucky charm ) to their necks What ? U putting your trust in salt and not in Allah ? the lucky charm is more powerful than Allah ???? Is this Islam . We have to do what is lam allows by the way someone did come to shyke bim baz and ask a question like it and he taught him to say the 4 Quils and sura fatha ( the first sura ) for his daughter , this is our religon not putting our fath in salt
Case 3
I remember one of my friends telling me about their imam in Nur-islam and he used to make the Dua ( something not form the religon and hence of no reward ) after the sallah . They showed him the evedence and Allah made it clear to this man the truth and he stoped doing it . And then the older heads in hte musjid , came down on him and he went back doing it . and the Prophet may Allah be pleased with him said who ever pleases the ppl by the displeasure of Allah , Allah will leave him to the ppl : form Al-Thimide and Imam Albani sais it is hassan
Case 4
............................... i rethinking about writhing this one i guess its too personal ..............................................
in the end its like this i think u want money get a job make dua , dont sell this deen , if u dont know say u dont know dont tell muslim women they cam marry Kuffar men do not make gold hallah for men ( yes all of this imams i know have done here ) There is a Ahadith in sauhi Bukari where a christian preist came up to the prophet may Allah be pleased with his after they Ayah of the Quran " and they take their preist and rabias as lords other than Allah " and he said that the ppl do not worship them and the prophet muhammed saluhi wa sulim said that they make those things that Hallah that Allah has made haram and the ppl follow them in it , and those that Haram that Allah has make hallal " . So nuns and preist cant marry did God command U to do this ? did the early christians do this ? or something introduced after ? did Jesus May Allah be pleased with him teach the ppl this ?? eh or did it come from some one else and then U clame to follow jesus May Allah be pleased with him . So must the muslims be like this too monkey see monkey . do we follow any kinda madness that those ppl who put things in the religon do ?
i just have nothing ot say about all of this .. And i have tried i have talked to ppl i have showed them the evedence they understood and because the imam or their grandfather say so thats what most ppl do . Even the fact that the prophet salihu wa sulim was the last messenger , yea i spoke to a Ahamedia and he came back and ask me are u a mufti ? and i was like no and the dude just turned away ..................... what the hell man well what ever
what ever i said that was good was from Allah glory b to him what ever was even was from me and i seek refuse from it
Friday, March 20, 2009
Girls prevented from wearing hajib in turkey

in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful
the best speech is the book of Allah and the best guidance is that of muhammed may Allah be pleased with him as to what follows
I was on line the other day and i came across a picture of some young muslim girls being pushed around by police . Some were hit , taken to the police station some were crying .
They were from turkey ............
Now i have many thoughts on the matter , i really not going to waste time to talk about the history of how turkey was one of the states formed @ the fall of the ottoman empire ( together with others like Greece ) or how they tried to " westernize " and basically ban islaam .
But i looking at the picture and wondering why is all the fuss about a little girl wanting to wear a piece of cloth on her head ? what is the ....... ( i looking 4 words here eh ) ahhhh , what u must show your manliness by beating down a little girl ? Is this what U R about ? Begging like a dog to get in to europe they dont want U , get it through your thick skulls they are racist , prejust bastards . Forget what they write about equality talk to your family in germany as how they are treated look @ the apartment building they burnt down turks inside ant all . take a hint .
I guessing this is properly a politically charged issue over there but take it some one from the out side it all really looks dumb . Now i live in a multicultural democracy and yes we are richer than you . But truth b told it's really not all that.
I like turkey i admire the turks . When i read about the things that you've done . The battles you forght the organization of your ottoman empire i feel proud to b muslim . I always wandered if i could marry a girl from the region . Bit discouraged when i saw turkish guys wrisle , do i really want brother in-laws that look like hulk ? I believe that you should b proud of who u are and proud to b muslim . Think about it look at how it was when U practiced your religion u had europe ( and much of the eastern Europe and middle east @ that ) at your feet . look at what happened when your islam wained your position started to fall . And look at how u are now u are running after europe and it is running away from U .
I still believe in my trukish brothers . I believe that some where under all that lays goodness . I hope it comes out sooner rather than later . I hope that the half of turkey that remain unconvinced eventually do give in . As for my brothers in the military u hold look @ what u were in islam ...... rule Europe don’t have them treating u like crap . raise your heads embrase your destiny fight 4 islam
may Allah grant U and me good if there was any good it was from Allah and any evil it was from me and the evil of my own soul may Allah forgive me
Form the Balkan Hoard my brothers join your brothers in bosnia .... but perhaps it is not the time for me to explain that here
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
To what degree is a Muslim to be concerned with politics today
To what degree is a Muslim to be concerned with politics today, within it's Islaamic guidelines?
If what is intended by "politics" is the administering of the ummah, then the reality is that politics is not from the acts of one individual from the people of the ummah, but rather, it is from the duties of the Muslim State. This is if the objective behind politics, as we stated before, is the administering of the ummah and the managing of its concerns in order to rectify what is in it from its religious and worldly affairs. So if this is what is intended by "politics", then this is fard kifaayah (a collective obligation). However, it is not for those people who are not in control of the state or of the rule, nor for those who can neither produce benefit nor cause harm.
As for obtaining the news to be aware of the state of affairs and the weakness the Muslims are in, and in order to avoid this outcome, then as we say, this is from the tasfiyah (purification) and the tarbiyah (educating) – purifying Islaam from what has entered into it and focusing on educating the Muslims and bringing them up on this purified Islam. So knowing these general circumstances, which encompass the Muslims, is a must for the matter is as the old Arab poet has stated, taking his meaning from an authentic hadeeth:"I learned evil not for the sake of evil, but to avoid it And whoever doesn't know good from evil, he will fall into it."
This is derived from a hadeeth – and I mean by it, the hadeeth of Hudhaifah Ibn Al-Yamaan, radyAllaahu 'anhumaa, which is reported in the Saheehs of Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. He, radyAllaahu 'anhumaa, said: "The people used to ask Allaah's Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, about the good, but I used to ask him about the evil for fear of it reaching me." So being aware of what the Muslims are upon from humiliation and weakness in order to turn them away from that towards using the means of knowledge, strength and power, this is an obligation from the many obligations.
As for engaging at length in obtaining news, knowledge of battles and western politics, then this is from the aspect of: "Knowledge of something is better than being ignorant of it." This is something that we do not forsake. However, at the same time, we must not be very enthusiastic and fanatical about it. This is since the Prophet, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, did not establish the affair of his Companions on knowing and following precisely, the news of his enemies to the same extent as he, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, used to focus on teaching his Companions from one perspective and cultivating them on Allaah's command from another perspective. This is our belief concerning politics based on their two categories, which we have mentioned previously.
Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Al-Asaalah No. 18
Translated by Ismaal Alarcon
To what degree is a Muslim to be concerned with politics today, within it's Islaamic guidelines?
If what is intended by "politics" is the administering of the ummah, then the reality is that politics is not from the acts of one individual from the people of the ummah, but rather, it is from the duties of the Muslim State. This is if the objective behind politics, as we stated before, is the administering of the ummah and the managing of its concerns in order to rectify what is in it from its religious and worldly affairs. So if this is what is intended by "politics", then this is fard kifaayah (a collective obligation). However, it is not for those people who are not in control of the state or of the rule, nor for those who can neither produce benefit nor cause harm.
As for obtaining the news to be aware of the state of affairs and the weakness the Muslims are in, and in order to avoid this outcome, then as we say, this is from the tasfiyah (purification) and the tarbiyah (educating) – purifying Islaam from what has entered into it and focusing on educating the Muslims and bringing them up on this purified Islam. So knowing these general circumstances, which encompass the Muslims, is a must for the matter is as the old Arab poet has stated, taking his meaning from an authentic hadeeth:"I learned evil not for the sake of evil, but to avoid it And whoever doesn't know good from evil, he will fall into it."
This is derived from a hadeeth – and I mean by it, the hadeeth of Hudhaifah Ibn Al-Yamaan, radyAllaahu 'anhumaa, which is reported in the Saheehs of Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. He, radyAllaahu 'anhumaa, said: "The people used to ask Allaah's Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, about the good, but I used to ask him about the evil for fear of it reaching me." So being aware of what the Muslims are upon from humiliation and weakness in order to turn them away from that towards using the means of knowledge, strength and power, this is an obligation from the many obligations.
As for engaging at length in obtaining news, knowledge of battles and western politics, then this is from the aspect of: "Knowledge of something is better than being ignorant of it." This is something that we do not forsake. However, at the same time, we must not be very enthusiastic and fanatical about it. This is since the Prophet, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, did not establish the affair of his Companions on knowing and following precisely, the news of his enemies to the same extent as he, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, used to focus on teaching his Companions from one perspective and cultivating them on Allaah's command from another perspective. This is our belief concerning politics based on their two categories, which we have mentioned previously.
Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Al-Asaalah No. 18
Translated by Ismaal Alarcon
Regarding the military coup against a ruler.
Is that which in present days is known as a "military coup" against the ruler, mentioned in the Religion or is it an innovation?
There is no basis for these actions in Islaam. And it is in opposition to the Islaamic methodology with regard to establishing the da'wah (Call to Islaam) and creating the right atmosphere for it. Rather, it is only an innovation introduced by the disbelievers, which has influenced some Muslims. This is what I stated in my notes and explanation to Al-'Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah.
Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Al-Asaalah No. 10
Translated by Ismaal Alarcon
Is that which in present days is known as a "military coup" against the ruler, mentioned in the Religion or is it an innovation?
There is no basis for these actions in Islaam. And it is in opposition to the Islaamic methodology with regard to establishing the da'wah (Call to Islaam) and creating the right atmosphere for it. Rather, it is only an innovation introduced by the disbelievers, which has influenced some Muslims. This is what I stated in my notes and explanation to Al-'Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah.
Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Al-Asaalah No. 10
Translated by Ismaal Alarcon

think just 4 a what if this was a store
A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates.
You may visit the store ONLY ONCE !
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch . . .. you may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but
you cannot go back down except to exit
the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and fear their Lord.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, fear their Lord, and love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, fear their lord, love kids, and are extremely good looking.
"WOW," she says, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love their Lord, love kids, are not bad for the eyes and help with the housework.
"Oh My Goodness, she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love their Lord, love kids, are good for the eyes, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!
Please send this to all your friends for a good laugh for those who can handle the truth!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Give Your Laptop Battery a Longer Lease on Life
Rick Broida
Does your laptop spend more time on your desk that your lap? If so, you're probably causing your battery to wear out much sooner than it needs to.
See, it's a sad (and expensive) fact of life: You're lucky to get 18-24 months from a battery before it loses a good chunk of its charge capacity (meaning it no longer powers your laptop for as long as it used to).
And you're accelerating this unfortunate timeframe if you leave your laptop plugged in 24/7, which is common for most folks who work at a desk. Because the battery rarely (if ever) gets a chance to discharge, it loses its capacity to hold a charge.
The simple solution: Pull the battery out of the laptop and leave it out when you're deskbound. Most laptops can run on straight AC power, so there's no need for the battery. And it's easy enough to pop back in when you hit the road (though obviously you'll want to make sure it's charged, so plan ahead a bit).
It's a hassle, sure, but consider the price of a replacement battery: usually $100 or more. What's more, old, discarded batteries wreak havoc on landfills. Sooner or later, they'll leak acid into the ground. So it's in your best interests to keep your battery as long as possible, and to keep it from dying a premature death.
See more like this: batteries, laptop accessories, power
Friday, February 20, 2009
8-month-old babies have 1,000 trillion brain synapses.

Synapses are connections between neurons, the cells that control brain functioning. Baby brains go crazy with these connections, making many more than adult brains need. This way, the brain is able to learn what the most useful and efficient connections are, rather than having to have this information programmed into genes. If a synapse doesn't get used, it gets pruned away. By the time a child is 10, the number of synapses in his brain has been cut by half.
Because of this, what people learn in early childhood is incredibly important. If a child doesn't learn to talk, which has happened in some cases of severe neglect, it's likely they'll never be able to, because the synapses that would have enabled communication were never used and therefore destroyed. On the other hand, if the pruning process doesn't stop naturally, as it normally does, even essential connections can get the ax. Researchers at Stanford University recently discovered that certain degenerative diseases, including glaucoma, get their start when the brain continues to destroy synapses.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
"Street Demonstrations For Palestine!"
In the name of Allaah, most merciful, bestower of mercy.
As-Salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah,
My respected Muslim brothers and sisters, may Allaah shower you with His mercy. We advise all of you to avoid any form of street demonstrations taking place anywhere. They are not from the means of rectification of the hardships that befall the Ummah. Rather, as Shaikh Muhammad ibn Umar al-Bazmool stated, demonstrations are not from the means of rectification, not from the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wassallam) and nor from the sunnah of the righteous predecessors. The major scholars have spoken against partaking in demonstrations – the likes of Shaikhs Ibn Baaz, Ibn al-Uthaimeen, al-Albaanee and al-Fawzaan. Demonstrations are not considered as being from the means of da’wah nor jihaad as the scholars have explained. So beware and warn the muslims from participating in this futile act that is not from the Islamic religion.
As for what you can and should do, then please read this advice of Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan:
Question: Noble Shaikh, there have come many questions asking about the position a Muslim should take with regard to what is going on with our brothers in Palestine, with respect to supplicating (for them), giving them money or making Jihad with them.
Answer: What is obligatory for the Muslim is that he make du’aa (supplicate) for his Muslim brothers, and assist them with money. He should aid them with money and supplication. This is what is obligatory on them and this is what will benefit them (i.e. the Palestinians).
Question: May Allaah reward you O Shaikh, the next questioner is asking: What is the ruling on demonstrating. Is it considered Jihad in the Cause of Allaah?
Answer: There is no benefit in demonstrations – it is just commotion. It is from the types of disorder. How will it cause harm to the enemy if the people go out and demonstrate in one of the streets, raising their voices? Rather, this is from the things that will only make the enemy pleased and happy. Thus he will say: “This has harmed and hurt them.” So the enemy will rejoice.
Islaam is a religion of tranquility and calmness; it is a religion of knowledge. It is not a religion of clamor and commotion. It is a religion that strives to achieve tranquility and calmness, while at the same time, (encourages) doing deeds that are of benefit and praise, such as providing support for the Muslims, supplicating for them and providing them with money and weapons. This is praiseworthy. And also (what is beneficial is) arguing on their behalf to the various countries that the oppression they are in be uplifted and requesting from these countries, which claim to have democracy, that these Muslims be given their due rights. And the humanitarian rights is what these people boast so much about. However, according to them the only human is the disbeliever, whereas the Muslim in their eyes is not a human being – he is a terrorist! They call the Muslims terrorists! And the human being that has (humanitarian) rights, to them, is the disbeliever!
So the Muslims must follow and adhere to the methodology Islaam has prescribed with regard to these occurrences and other situations. Islaam did not come with demonstrations and shouting and raising the voices out loud. It did not prescribe destroying property or committing violations. All of this is not part of Islaam. Yes… Nor does this bring about any benefit. This only causes harm to the Muslims and it does not harm the enemy. This only harms the Muslims and it does not harm their enemy. In fact, their enemy rejoices at this and says (to himself): “I have affected them”, “I have made them angry” and “I have influenced them.” Question and Answer session on Paltalk
Also please go to this very beneficial article from our brothers at Troid.org
Was-Salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid
As-Salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah,
My respected Muslim brothers and sisters, may Allaah shower you with His mercy. We advise all of you to avoid any form of street demonstrations taking place anywhere. They are not from the means of rectification of the hardships that befall the Ummah. Rather, as Shaikh Muhammad ibn Umar al-Bazmool stated, demonstrations are not from the means of rectification, not from the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wassallam) and nor from the sunnah of the righteous predecessors. The major scholars have spoken against partaking in demonstrations – the likes of Shaikhs Ibn Baaz, Ibn al-Uthaimeen, al-Albaanee and al-Fawzaan. Demonstrations are not considered as being from the means of da’wah nor jihaad as the scholars have explained. So beware and warn the muslims from participating in this futile act that is not from the Islamic religion.
As for what you can and should do, then please read this advice of Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan:
Question: Noble Shaikh, there have come many questions asking about the position a Muslim should take with regard to what is going on with our brothers in Palestine, with respect to supplicating (for them), giving them money or making Jihad with them.
Answer: What is obligatory for the Muslim is that he make du’aa (supplicate) for his Muslim brothers, and assist them with money. He should aid them with money and supplication. This is what is obligatory on them and this is what will benefit them (i.e. the Palestinians).
Question: May Allaah reward you O Shaikh, the next questioner is asking: What is the ruling on demonstrating. Is it considered Jihad in the Cause of Allaah?
Answer: There is no benefit in demonstrations – it is just commotion. It is from the types of disorder. How will it cause harm to the enemy if the people go out and demonstrate in one of the streets, raising their voices? Rather, this is from the things that will only make the enemy pleased and happy. Thus he will say: “This has harmed and hurt them.” So the enemy will rejoice.
Islaam is a religion of tranquility and calmness; it is a religion of knowledge. It is not a religion of clamor and commotion. It is a religion that strives to achieve tranquility and calmness, while at the same time, (encourages) doing deeds that are of benefit and praise, such as providing support for the Muslims, supplicating for them and providing them with money and weapons. This is praiseworthy. And also (what is beneficial is) arguing on their behalf to the various countries that the oppression they are in be uplifted and requesting from these countries, which claim to have democracy, that these Muslims be given their due rights. And the humanitarian rights is what these people boast so much about. However, according to them the only human is the disbeliever, whereas the Muslim in their eyes is not a human being – he is a terrorist! They call the Muslims terrorists! And the human being that has (humanitarian) rights, to them, is the disbeliever!
So the Muslims must follow and adhere to the methodology Islaam has prescribed with regard to these occurrences and other situations. Islaam did not come with demonstrations and shouting and raising the voices out loud. It did not prescribe destroying property or committing violations. All of this is not part of Islaam. Yes… Nor does this bring about any benefit. This only causes harm to the Muslims and it does not harm the enemy. This only harms the Muslims and it does not harm their enemy. In fact, their enemy rejoices at this and says (to himself): “I have affected them”, “I have made them angry” and “I have influenced them.” Question and Answer session on Paltalk
Also please go to this very beneficial article from our brothers at Troid.org
Was-Salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid
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