Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Shell game: How the turtle got its home

PARIS (AFP) – A stunningly intact 220-million-year-old fossil found in southwestern China appears to have settled a long-simmering debate over reptile evolution: how did turtles get their shell?
In a study to be published Thursday, scientists report on the discovery of a missing-link species -- Odontochelys semitestacea, for "toothed, half-shell turtle" -- whose outer shell emerged directly from the ribs and backbone and not from the skin, as some have argued.
The find also suggests that turtles originated in water rather than on land, and pushes back the group's first known appearance on Earth by some 10 million years.
Since the era of dinosaurs, which roamed the planet until 65 million years ago, turtles have looked pretty much the way they do today.
They sport an armour-like upper shell, known as a carapace, connected to a softer lower part, called a plastron.
More than 1,000 species discovered in Mekong: WWF

BANGKOK (AFP) – Scientists have discovered more than 1,000 species in Southeast Asia's Greater Mekong region in the past decade, including a spider as big as a dinner plate, the World Wildlife Fund said Monday.
A rat thought to have become extinct 11 million years ago and a cyanide-laced, shocking pink millipede were among creatures found in what the group called a "biological treasure trove".
The species were all found in the rainforests and wetlands along the Mekong River, which flows through Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the southern Chinese province of Yunnan.
"It doesn't get any better than this," Stuart Chapman, director of WWF's Greater Mekong Programme, was quoted as saying in a statement by the group.
"We thought discoveries of this scale were confined to the history books."
The WWF report, "First Contact in the Greater Mekong", said that "between 1997 and 2007, at least 1,068 have been officially described by science as being newly discovered species."
These included the world's largest huntsman spider, with a leg span of 30 centimetres (11.8 inches), and the "startlingly" coloured "dragon millipede", which produces the deadly compound cyanide.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Iraqi journalist throws shoes at Bush in Baghdad

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A man identified as an Iraqi journalist threw shoes at -- but missed -- President Bush during a news conference Sunday evening in Baghdad, where Bush was making a farewell visit.
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Bush ducked, and the shoes, flung one at a time, sailed past his head during the news conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in his palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone.
The shoe-thrower -- identified as Muntadhar al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist with Egypt-based al-Baghdadia television network -- could be heard yelling in Arabic: "This is a farewell ... you dog!"
While pinned on the ground by security personnel, he screamed: "You killed the Iraqis!"
Al-Zaidi was dragged away. While al-Zaidi was still screaming in another room, Bush said: "That was a size 10 shoe he threw at me, you may want to know." Video Watch Bush duck the shoes »
Hurling shoes at someone, or sitting so that the bottom of a shoe faces another person, is considered an insult among Muslims.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
'Godzilla' Fossils Reveal Real-Life Sea Monster
Fossils from a real-life sea monstera massive crocodile-like specieshave been unearthed in Patagonia, Argentina. The animal likely measured 13 feet (4 meters) long from nose to tail.
The researchers who made the discovery say the marine reptile, nicknamed Godzilla, lived about 135 million years ago. They describe their find in the November 11, 2005, issue of the journal Science.
Details about the ancient predator will also appear in the December 2005 issue of National Geographic magazine. The article will feature exclusive images, like this illustration, of what the reptile might have looked like.
mumbai terror attacks
I don’t think there’s any one in the world who does not know what happened in Mumai the other day . Here’s my 2 cents now first of all understand who this is coming from , I am western muslim in my 20's i have Indian blood some way along the line in my family tree . But None of this comes into in to play here . No one knows who carried out the attacks yet but the working assumption is that some extreme muslim group did it .
There are extremist groups in every religion and country like the IRA .......... ok i going to stop making this stupid argument . the question U have to ask your self is who the f*** are the f*** retards and how the f**** do they think killing massive amounts on innocent ppl are helping there cause ???? someone plz explain this one to me , any one i am waiting ........... anyone don't U all jump up at once . I am not condoning anything india has done in the past like in Kashmir or Gurat but WTF , who told U that u could kill massive amount of ppl . Why , ?????? i want to say kill them all here but i know well the truth is because i am muslim i properly be lumped in with these mother f***s . We are not all the same . We are not all alike . I remember reading fatwa from some of the scholars like Shyke Bim Baz ( the grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia ) warning Usmana bin laden about what he was calling too and warning the muslims not to avoid following this part and many muslims left him and he was even expelled fron the kingdom . And this was looong b4 911 . U have to see the importance of taking a stance like this and how evil it is to leave it oppose it .
They have used their innovated opinions , those stupid things ppl put into the religion that are not from it . Is this the way U treat non-muslims ? NO that is a shameful shameful thing . As I had to ex[laim tp this guy who had now accepted islam and he was a criminal from the ghetto . I had to stop and explain to him why robbing and kidnapping ppl is wrong ( yea the dude had this look on his face like I was the first person in his life who was telling him this ) . That when U wrong a non muslims like this rob them beat them murder them …… on the day of Judgment Allah will Judge U according to what U did . When U kill little children what would u tell Allah ? Think some of the best of All muslims ppl like the first leaders of the Muslim empire were once none muslim ppl like Abu bak , Uthman , Umir and Ali , did the prophet try to kill their children while they were non muslim ???? or burn down their houses ? NO he simply called them to islam and Allah opened their hearts and islam entered it . So this becomes what we have to do this is the sunnah , just like the beard or a hajib . What are U thinking killing innocent ppl eh ??? what ? how is this suppose to help U . Man U have brought shame upon muslims everywhere , may Allah change our hearts from this and show up these evil leaders who send the young ones to their death while they stay @ home and cause nothing but sorrow and destruction for your quest in glory
Sorry for my language but man
Mumbai was just so F***ed up
Terrorist attack in Mumbai

I don’t think there’s any one in the world who does not know what happened in Mumai the other day . Here’s my 2 cents now first of all understand who this is coming from , I am western muslim in my 20's i have Indian blood some way along the line in my family tree . But None of this comes into in to play here . No one knows who carried out the attacks yet but the working assumption is that some extreme muslim group did it .
There are extremist groups in every religion and country like the IRA .......... ok i going to stop making this stupid argument . the question U have to ask your self is who the f*** are the f*** retards and how the f**** do they think killing massive amounts on innocent ppl are helping there cause ???? someone plz explain this one to me , any one i am waiting ........... anyone don't U all jump up at once . I am not condoning anything india has done in the past like in Kashmir or Gurat but WTF , who told U that u could kill massive amount of ppl . Why , ?????? i want to say kill them all here but i know well the truth is because i am muslim i properly be lumped in with these mother f***s . We are not all the same . We are not all alike . I remember reading fatwa from some of the scholars like Shyke Bim Baz ( the grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia ) warning Usmana bin laden about what he was calling too and warning the muslims not to avoid following this part and many muslims left him and he was even expelled fron the kingdom . And this was looong b4 911 . U have to see the importance of taking a stance like this and how evil it is to leave it oppose it .
Sorry for my language but man
Mumbai was just so F***ed up